A Siblings Support Project- Sponsored by Autisme Montérégie


The kids at play

Based upon funds raised during our 4th campaign (2006 to 2009) targeting, in part, parental support, the foundation donated $70,000 to Autisme Monteregie in 2010 for an experimental project targeting the siblings of autistic children ranging in ages from 8 to 11. This was a 3-year project involving camp retreats for siblings who had been identified as children negatively affected by the fact of living with an autistic sibling in need of constant support. Progress was charted for each child over the period of participation in the project. The results were so positive that the Association decided to solicit for financial support to continue this experimental project after our grant had lapsed. In this regard, they were sufficiently successful to maintain this project, even though solicitation efforts were very difficult due to the fact that the targeted population was, in fact, normal children, albeit living in less than ideal surroundings.

In 2016, the foundation was able, with the consent of the CRDITED-ME, (now part of CISSSMO) to reroute $6,000 into this project which allowed the project to continue for another year. This grant was graciously duplicated this year, allowing the project to continue for yet another year.


The results of this project on family relations and on the spirit of siblings toiling under this adverse situation have been way beyond expectations, with accolades coming from parents and siblings alike.


The Butters Foundation is proud to be a partner in such an innovative project to help families in dire need.  Indeed, the siblings of autistic children with serious problems seem to be the ‘’forgotten’ people in the area of autism and family support. Hopefully, the fundraising results will improve once potential donors realize the effect these projects can have on family relations and parental health and survival.


For the 2016 project report, please click on the link below. Unfortunately, the text is only in French.

Bilan final fratrie 2016-2017 (3)