Camp Garagona Closed for Summer of 2020

COVID – 19


Dear members, campers, clients and partners,

The current pandemic affects us all, Camp Garagona as well, more than we could have imagined a few weeks ago. In these exceptional times, like at all the times, our focus is on the health and safety of our campers, their families and our staff when planning our services and activities.

Since the middle of March Garagona has carefully followed the evolution of the pandemic and has reevaluated our programmes and services to adjust to the new reality. . Garagona has applied the protective mesures asked of us by Public Health and has worked closely with the Camps Association of Quebec to ensure the safety of our programmes and participants.

Taking into account all that we have learned and experienced these last months, it is clear to us that organizing a safe summer camp at Garagona verges on the impossible.

Summer camp 2020 at Garagona is therefore cancelled as of today.

Save the date! Summer 2021 will be better than ever!

During this unfortunate but necessary pause in operations, our small team at Garagona is working hard to bring you a virtual camp experience. More information will follow in the coming weeks.

A member of our team will contact you in person in the coming days to talk about your reservation and to present different options to you going forward.

Thank you very much for your understanding and for your support. Be safe.


For any questions or comments, please contact our executive director, Nicholas Brien