2021 Massey-Vanier Bursars (English side)
Piper Laumaillier is a well-rounded student. She excelled in her studies and was involved in school and community. She was active in Student Council, the production of the Yearbook, curling and swimming. Piper received several scholarships including the prestigious Lily Butters Scholarship for her excellence as a top student of the Massey-Vanier Graduating Class of 2021. Piper, originally […]
2019-2020 Annual Report – Chaire DITC UQAM
Please click on the link to open the 2019-2020 annual report of the Chaire DITC (UQAM). Note that it is only available in French 2019-2020 annual report of the Chaire DITC (UQAM)
Camp Garagona Closed for Summer of 2020
COVID – 19 Dear members, campers, clients and partners, The current pandemic affects us all, Camp Garagona as well, more than we could have imagined a few weeks ago. In these exceptional times, like at all the times, our focus is on the health and safety of our campers, their families and our staff when planning our services and […]
Thank you Dr. Barakett
(in french only) C’est avec beaucoup de tristesse que mon équipe et moi-même avons appris, il y a quelques mois, le décès de Dr William Barakett, C.M., président de la Fondation Butters et grand promoteur de la qualité de vie des personnes marginalisées. Je veux lui rendre hommage, mais je sais que les mots ne pourront exprimer toute la […]