Grant of $15,000 to the Butters Foundation for a 14-station Obstacle Course at Camp Garagona

In 2015, the Montreal Canadiens Children’s Foundation gave a grant to the Butters Foundation for the construction/installation of a 14-station obstacle course on the site of Camp Garagona in Frelighsburg. This grant was part of the ‘’From Caring to Curing” campaign of the Butters Foundation.

The installation of the above mentioned obstacle course will allow for a diversification of outside activities year around that will complement the arts-based activities for which the camp is very well known. The course will provide valuable and strenuous outside physical activity for the campers.

The course was recently completed with the help of a group of 35 volunteers who came in and installed wood chips under the stations, put up the appropriate signage and cleared away unwanted brush.

The course will be ready for the beginning of the 2016 summer season. Please see the enclosed photos of the course under construction.