The CRDI Monteregie-Est has linked up with the Butters Foundation for the last 5 years to offer financial assistance for the purchase of specialized and customized equipment for intellectually disabled and autistic children living at home with their parents and siblings. This project allows families to purchase specially targeted equipment that will allow their disabled child to travel with their family and communicate with friends, families and neighbours. Dollar support is available for families in need or for the purchase of specialized equipment that goes beyond the budgets of most working families.

Recently, the Ronald McDonald House Charities contributed $30,000 to the project. Mme Céline Rouleau, Director of Administrative Services of the CRDI-ME (left), and Mr. Ron Creary, Executive Director of the Butters Foundation (right), are pictured hear receiving the cheque from Mr. Tony Christidis (center), owner of several franchises on the South Shore of Montreal. Mr. Christidis was very helpful in securing this generous donation from the national foundation in Toronto.