The Doris Mildred Parsons Bursary Winner of 2019 at le CEGEP de Granby


On the evening of the 6th of May, 2019 the CEGEP de Granby put on a marvelous awards event to showcase the student recipients of bursaries from the 2018-19 academic year. Organized by the administration of the college, this event sporting a ‘’Black & White” theme, featured refreshments beforehand and a talented troop of students who animated the evening and especially the ceremony itself in the Desjardins Auditorium on the 3rd floor of the building.

This year, the Doris Mildred Parsons Bursary of $2,000 went to Michel Lavoie, a mature student who returned to college after a few uneventful years in the low-level job market. His exceptionally high marks and an excellent interview with the bursary committee as well as his having been chosen as one of the 4 top students in his class by his peers, earned him this award.

The foundation wishes to thank M. Yvan O’Connor, DG of the CEGEP, for his commitment to fostering recognition of excellence and ensuring that the event each year reinforces success and student achievement across the CEGEP.

From left to right in the photo, a nameless event mime, the 2019 bursary winner, Michel Lavoie, Ron Creary, DG of the Butters Foundation, Marie-Line Vachon, professor, and Lilianne Mathieu, professor, both members of the bursary interview team.